Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Are you struggling to figure out your next step?

Image may contain: 2 people, people standing, outdoor and nature

Happy Wednesday. How is your week going? I hope you’re having a productive and FUN week. 

It’s almost 9am here on the east coast and as I’m sitting down to a cup of tea before heading into my office to start the day, I’m looking around at my kitchen and thinking how blessed I am. Now, my kitchen is nothing fancy, but what I’m thinking about is the FREEDOM I have in my day. 

I set my own schedule and I don’t leave the house if I don’t want to, except to pick up grocery and our laundry service because neither pickup/deliver (aww, living in the sticks). Thanks to podcasters like @bizchixpodcast and @rachrodgersesq who empower women to outsource household chores to make room for life and family. 2020 I finally listened and now I have more time for other more worthwhile things than separating the whites! 

Anyways, I say all that to say, 10 years ago, I didn’t, nay, I couldn’t imagine this life where I work on amazing projects and get to meet wonderful people like you all, while having the freedom to make dinner every night, be home when the teen gets home (that’s a biggie), and all the other family stuff we do. 

So, if you’re struggling. You’re just banging your head on the wall (or the desk in your cubicle, or crying in the bathroom at work again - no judgment, gurl, I have been there!) because nothing is working, you’re stuck and can’t find a way out, there is a better way. 

First, know you’re not alone. 

Second, dry your eyes, leave the bathroom (wash your hands first). 

Then get to work... on you! 

PHASE 1: Start with a brain dump of what an ideal day would look like if you were doing the work you were called to do. Nothing is too small. Nothing is too silly. Just open up and really imagine your perfect day. 

Write it all down. It won’t be pretty, just get it out of your head. 

Got it? Good! Now, let’s get to work. Let’s make it happen! 

PHASE 2: Take that very next step. Is it a coach/mentor, taking a course, creating more content? Maybe you know or don’t know the next step. That is your homework, to figure out your next step. What you’ve done before hasn’t worked. So do something different. Ask for help.

Share your homework below in the comments.

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