Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Set the foundation

This month in the Society, my new membership community where I help our clients (women business owners) build the foundation of their businesses, we’re focusing on Building Your Brand. We are teaching our members how to use the simple framework to amplify their offer and their brand, by leading with the value. 

In the economical environment, we’re in right now, it’s ever-important for women, particularly Black women and women and color, to be able to generate income outside of the “stable” 9-5 because we know those jobs are not secure. They can evaporate in a blink of an eye. We need to be able to generate revenue from a diversified stream of income.

When I learned how to lead with the value of my offer with authenticity and love and thoughtfulness, that when it all changed.

It meant that I had to pull back on the bro-y tactics I was studying. It means to tap into my body and really lead with what felt right for me. And that’s when it all started to click into place. For a long time, I was just going through the motions. I believed the old Fields of Dreams saying that “if I built it, they would come” meaning that my work would and should speak for itself without any intervention on my part.

And I used that tactic because I was afraid to be visible. I was happy to stand in the shadows with a hope and a prayer that things would just magically happen. And, surprise! It didn’t happen. People weren’t knocking down the doors to get my offer, so I made more. Surely, the forums were right that I just need to keep posting new products every hour on the hour, regardless if anything sold, right? And when THAT didn’t work, I felt like the biggest loser, not knowing it wasn’t the product. Instead, it was me not sharing the value of what I have to offer to the right people. It was me hiding in the shadows and not sharing how the thing I offer could transform their lives.

Over the last 10+ years, I’ve learned a lot and have shared a lot in books and courses because I know how important it is to be able to generate an income doing the work I love. I’ve been able to generate income that put food on the table, a roof over our heads, savings in the bank, a retirement plan, and more.

Setting those foundations in place to sell what you offer with confidence so you can generate consistent and predictable income is what matters. When you work with me, I teach you how to go fish for those sales, how to make the offer, so you can make big money moves.  

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Can't wait until the next membership cycle opens or you need one-on-one support, click here to book a coaching spot

You got this!

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