Thursday, September 22, 2016

New knit and crochet designs


I wanted to send this super quick note to share 2 things:

1) Knit Picks has a new collection, On the Go Knits. This collection is so bright and fun, and I have 3 designs in the collection: Brightwood Hat & Mitts, and In Motion Vest, which made the cover of the book. >insert happy dance here<

Each design has an extra surprise element that is sure to intrigue the knitter and the wearer. Can you spot the surprise detail in each piece?

I am super proud of the collection. There are so many really fab patterns, I am honored to be a part of. I hope you will check out the collection,
click here. And, of course there will be a GIVEAWAY and/or KAL with Prizes. I'm not sure. Let me know what you think or would prefer. Be sure you are subscribed to The Weekly Yarn get information when details become available.


2) There is something new for crocheters. I have a new design, Pumpkin Patch Cowl in I Like Crochet, October 2016. This is the only knit or crochet magazine I subscribe to because I want to make more than 50% of the patterns in every issue.
Check out the whole issue here.

I am so in love with this pattern, not only to make but also to wear. I think this will be my staple piece for this Fall/Winter. The photography in this magazine is so beautiful. And the hat the model is wearing... I have to have it! (Psst, don't tell my husband, but I think he'll be getting me this hat for our anniversary, which we just celebrated 15-yrs yesterday. Go us, right!)


Until next time...Stitch on!
*A rising tide lifts all boats*

Thursday, September 1, 2016

The words you say matters

My mother use to say... Words matter.

As a kid, it never really made sense. You remember hearing the idiom: stick and stones might break my bone, but words will never hurt me.

But now as I get older - and hopefully wiser - I am understanding what she meant and how wrong that idiom is.

It was back in 2008-09 when interweave Knits was at its peak. Every pattern they put out was a hit. Do you remember those patterns everyone was knitting and talking about? I still have copies from that period in my magazine stash that I still cherish, even today.

It was in those days that I would flip through the magazine, scared to even attempt any of the patterns in them because they looked so impossible at the time. And I told myself I wasn't ready for the pattern or even to use the yarn called for in the pattern. But I would say to my husband, I will be in this magazine one day.

Fast forward a few years later and if you go flipping through one of Interweave's Special Issue, the first Harry Potter Knits collection, you will see my name in there, Mudblood Cardigan.


Photo by Interweave Knits
The words you say absolutely matters.

Set goals.

Stretch yourself to reach beyond what you think is possible right now.

Even your wildest dreams are possible.

It might not happen today. Heck, It might not happen tomorrow, but the truth is, it will definitely happen - if you do the work!

What are you putting into words?

Is it a pattern that you don't think you can knit? You think it's too complicated for you.

Is it you putting your big design idea into a published pattern? You don't know what steps you need to take?

Change your mindset. Set your intention, and it will happen.

Nothing is impossible.

Until next time... Stitch On!

"A rising tide lifts all boats"

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Back-to-School Shawl K/CAL

The Back-to-School Shawl K/CAL (knit-along/crochet-along) will run from September 15,2016 to October 15, 2016, using any of my KnitDesigns by Tian shawl patterns, knit or crochet, from a book, magazine, or from my Ravelry pattern store. You choose.

At the end of the K/CAL, I will do a random number generator drawing for 3 winners on October 16th, so make sure you have all the info posted:

1 Grand Prize: 2 Skeins of Knit Picks Palette in Edamame + a pattern of your choice from my Ravelry Store (exclusive only to The Weekly Yarn subscribers)

2 Runner-up Prizes: A pattern of your choice from my Ravelry Store.

To enter:
     1) Start shawl September 15 or after.
     2) Create a project page for the pattern.
     3) Post photos of your finished shawl.
     4) Tag your projects with BACKTOSCHOOLSHAWL.
     5) Finish shawl by October 15th.

What pattern will you be knitting and crocheting?

Until next time... Stitch On!

"A rising tide lifts all boats"

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and subscriber-exclusives?  

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{The Weekly Yarn} from KnitDesigns by Tian

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