Friday, August 7, 2020

You don't have to struggle.

Are you waiting for permission?

What are you putting off doing because you don't think you're not good enough or you're waiting for the right time?

This is a struggle, right? Getting out of your own head and figuring out the right thing to do. You don't want to make a mistake and look foolish. You don't want to head in what might be the wrong direction. You don't want your spouse to say "I told you so" or that "you're wasting time and money" when you could be taking care of him and the kids.

Look, women are here for more than being a baby factory and for taking care of the men in our lives. We are whole humans with needs and desires and aspirations. I know we're raised to be caretakers of everyone BESIDES ourselves. Society tells us that if we deviate from what is expected and pursue something we want or even have a desire for more than what is the bare minimum, then we are bad people, we are bad wives, we're bad mothers. We need to bust that myth. You can start a business and still be a good mother. You can out-earn your husband and still be a good wife. You can hire help for your elderly parents and still be a good daughter and caregiver. You can take a break and focus on you and still be a good person.

So, what do you want? What is that thing you've been putting off that you THINK you need permission?

If you are scared to take that first step, don't be ashamed. You are not alone. As a business strategist and mentor, I work with women just like you every day with the mindset shifting work that is necessary to start believing what is possible, because if you don't believe you're worthy, nothing is possible. I also do the strategist work with women to put into place the tangible action steps in place to turn their expensive hobbies and ideas into profitable businesses.

So, if this is you. If you are ready to see what is possible, reach out and book a FREE 15-min call to brainstorm and get some clarity on what is possible for you to achieve the lifestyle that you want >>>> 15 Minute Meeting - Tian Connaughton

Remember, you don't need permission from anyone to pursue your dreams and go after what you want. You just need to be brave and open to possibilities. You got this!


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